Learning Materials
ChemSAR eLearning materials focus on rescue operations in HNS incidents at sea. The materials are aimed at professionals already familiar with SAR operations and procedures, adding an HNS element. The materials are supplementary to already existing SAR material e.g. national guidelines, SAR education and training as well as the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual by IMO.
The materials are structured and based on ChemSAR Operational Plan (OP) and Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs), which are to support international SAR operations in cases of maritime HNS incidents in the Baltic Sea Region. The Materials are divided into separate sections for authorities and seafarers.
The content of this website has been produced in the ChemSAR-project in cooperation with nine different partners from five different Baltic Sea Region countries. The information given on this website is based on the work of the project partners and it has been prepared with due care to the best of knowledge. It should anyhow be acknowledged that the information provided is not in anyhow comprehensive.
ChemSAR-project or its project partners cannot be held legally responsible for the information provided on this website or on the decisions that are based on the information provided on this website. The information stated on this website does not replace or interfere with any international, national, regional or local decision procedures unless particularly decided so. Also national and organizational occupational safety regulations have to be followed in search and rescue operations.